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About TMI2Solutions

TMI-2 Solutions is a subsidiary of EnergySolutions, a nuclear services company headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.  TMI-2 Solutions was created for the sole purpose of decommissioning Three Mile Island Unit 2 Nuclear Power Plant located in Londonderry Twp, Pennsylvania. To support the decommissioning effort of TMI-2, EnergySolutions partnered with Jingoli, a nationally ranked contractor/construction manager with over 95 years of experience servicing power, industrial, healthcare, gaming and educational clientele.   For additional information about EnergySolutions log on at  For information about Jingoli, log on at


TMI2Solutions Leadership Team


John T Sauger

TMI-2 President/CNO


Mr. Sauger is President and Chief Nuclear Officer Reactor for EnergySolutions is responsible for all commercial D&D projects

With more than 30 years of commercial...

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David Vecchino
Project Director


TMI-2 Solutions is a subsidiary of EnergySolutions an international nuclear services company headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah with the nuclear decommissioning services division headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Construction Plans

TMI-2 Solutions reached  an agreement with FirstEnergy Corporation, GPU Nuclear, Inc., Metropolitan Edison Company, Jersey Central Power & Light Company and Pennsylvania Electric Company to acquire all licenses and assets of Unit-2 at the
Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station (TMI-2).

Construction Site

TMI-2 to date has
been in safe and stable storage condition known as Post Defueling Monitored Storage (PDMS) since 1993 under regulatory oversight of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

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